Love INC Charlotte

Love INC Charlotte

charlotte, NC US

The mission of Love In the Name of Christ is to mobilize believers in Christ to meet the physical and spiri...

Beds For Kids

Beds For Kids

Charlotte, NC US

Our mission is to provide beds and essential furniture to children and their families in need.

Urban Promise Charlotte

Urban Promise Charlotte

Charlotte, NC US

UrbanPromise Charlotte provides Charlotte's children and youth with the spiritual, academic, and social dev...

The Harvest Center

The Harvest Center

Charlotte, NC US

To create a community where individuals affected by homelessness, poverty or unemployment are empowered thr...

Project 658 (East Charlotte)

Project 658 (East Charlotte)

Charlotte, NC US

We believe that Christ’s love compels us to change the world through serving our neighbors.

Forest Hill Church

Forest Hill Church

Charlotte, NC US

At Forest Hill we are Building Bridges that Connect Everyone to Dynamic Life in Christ.